
Getting all of the Nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis eligendi cumque quod placeat facere possimus assumenda omnis dolor repellendu sautem temporibus officiis

+1 599 162 4545

5689 Lotaso Terrace, Culver City,
CA, United States

Our aim is to provide excellent service at all times. If we fail to reach these standards and you are unhappy with our prescription or pharmacy service we strongly advise you contact our pharmacy team and ask to speak to the Pharmacy Manager so that we can resolve the problem with immediate effect. Our pharmacy number is 01246 461411.

If your concerns are not fully addressed by this you may wish to formalise your complaint in one of the following ways:

Written complaint: Chesterfield Delivery Pharmacy, 26 High Street, 1st Floor, Staveley, Chesterfield S43 3UX

Via emailinfo@chesterfielddeliverypharmacy.co.uk

These complaints can then be passed on to the Superintendent Pharmacist, Rayaz Ahmed.

If you are still unsatisfied with the result of your complaint, you can contact the Healthcare Commission at:

Healthcare Commission, FREEPOST NAT 18958, Complaints Investigation Team, Manchester, M1-9XZ

Telephone: 0845 601 3012
