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Scholl Antifungal Shoe Spray


Scholl Antifungal Shoe Spray kills 99.9% of fungus that causes athlete’s foot and fungal nail

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Scholl Antifungal Shoe Spray kills 99.9% of fungus that causes athlete’s foot and fungal nail

Key Points:

  • This spray helps prevent reccurence of of fungus in your shoes.
  • Prevents fungal infections (Athletes foot and fungal nail)
  • Quick and effective
  • Kill 99.9% of bacteria
  • Keeps shoes fresh and hygienic

Additional information

What is it?

Scholl Antifungal Shoe Spray effectively disinfects your shoes to provide protection from fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and fungal nail. This spray can be used If you are treating your feet for a fungal infection and it can prevent your feet from becoming reinfected. It contains the active ingredient Terbinafine which works by killing 99.9% of the bacteria responsible for fungal infections.

How to use it?

Spray in to the inside of the shoe 2 or 3 times. Allow shoes to dry before putting them on.

Side Effects

Side effects are usually uncommon with this product however possible irrittation on feet may occur.


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